Speeding on Bauer
Many members of our community are concerned about unsafe driving behaviors in the neighborhood, primarily speeding on Bauer Dr and failure to stop at stop signs. These behaviors are endangering our kids as they wait for school buses, people walking their dogs, pulling out of driveways, etc. We have asked the Montgomery County Police for assistance in getting the message out to our residents and others that drive in our community. You may have noticed the speed monitoring trailer placed on Norbeck Rd, additional speed enforcement on Norbeck Rd, and periodic enforcement of violations along Bauer Dr.
We have asked for those enforcement efforts to increase. While costly traffic citations from the police are an option, we are asking for your cooperation and to make a voluntary choice to help avoid a tragedy. We can't control what happens outside our close knit community, but we can all choose to look out for each other and do our part by driving safely in our own neighborhood. Please make an effort this holiday season, and beyond, to obey the speed limit and come to a complete stop for stop signs. The few extra seconds it takes to get where you are going (or the red light at Norbeck Rd) could save a life.
(It could also save you $90 and a point on your license, higher insurance, a vacation day to attend Silver Spring District Court, etc)