Welcome to the Manor Lake Civic Association. Our mission is to promote a sense of community in Manor Lake through a variety of events and projects. We work to improve the community each year, bring neighbors together, and maintain the safety and quality of our neighborhood.
Use this site to pay your membership dues, check & register for upcoming events, and read our annual newsletters.
Upcoming Events
No Events at this time.
Join or Renew MLCA Membership or Donate
If your new to Manor Lake please reach out to our treasurer for an invoice to pay.
Have questions about your dues payments? Contact ManorLake.Treasurer@gmail.com
Contact the Board
Contact the Board at: manorlake.board@gmail.com
President: Larissa Johnson
Vice President: Lupe Rohrer
Treasurer: Kasia Long
Secretary: Nicole Beauchamp
Board Members: Ramon Cepeda, Bret Lyhus, Rey Cantave